
Friday, 31 August 2012

Day 37 - Groundhog Day - August 30th - again

It is definitely getting cooler!  The people sunbathing are showing a lot less skin.

NOT a light breakfast today for a change, as I added poached eggs, bacon, fried onions and toast to the day’s start.  Very nice it was too.

Quiz results were as expected – not first place.

Lunch since the tightening has been restricted to the normal stuff, whereas traditionally on sea days, there is an additional, speciality section.  It is tough for those who are first time cruisers – particularly if they joined at Beijing, as this is not representative of the Dawn Princess food experience.  Although we choose to eat a bit late (after 1:30pm), we miss most of them anyway, but that is our choice.  Thankfully the pineapple has been superb!

The number of reported new novo-virus cases has dropped markedly, but no doubt the restrictions will stay in place for a while anyway.

Just for a change, as there were so many emails in response to the ones we sent out, it was easier to download them, rather than try and read them on the server, which is what I normally do when travelling.

One sender claimed that she had put on 5kgs since we have been away – which just goes to show that  just because we have access to free food, it does not mean that staying home means you won’t indulge.

Just 4 of us for dinner, which concluded with one of my favourite desserts – hot cherries jubilee, with cream.

Just for a change, there was a production show in the smaller Vista lounge – Country Jam.  Enjoyable enough, but I have never seen cowgirls looking that smart!

The day ended as is often the case in the atrium again, where our Cha-Cha on a relatively empty floor elicited a round of enthusiastic applause.  Gee, they must have been bored before...

Clocks forward another hour tonight (and again tomorrow night) so we are now getting used to 23 hour days on this leg.

A very happy birthday to Marilyn back in NZ for August 31st – whenever that is/was.

We are now half way through this “chunk” and the new ‘rage’ today was bridge vs handicrafts!  Also, last night, Tony tapped on the shoulder of the big guy in front, who was moving around then sitting well forwards and blocking his view in the theatre, and was threatened afterwards with fisticuffs!   Life is never dull on board.  Just something else to incorporate into the video, along with the previous laundry rage, queue rage, Mah Jong/chess rage and so on.


1 comment:

  1. I do hope you´ll post the final cut of the video on You tube so I can see it
